About Us > Patent Attorney

John D. Gugliotta Esq.

John has been a patent attorney focusing on all intellectual property matters for decades. There is no substitute to 30+ years experience in the field seeing all forms of technology. John’s education, experience, and publications are below. 

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Juris Doctorate, Cleveland Marshall College of Law, Cleveland, OH

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Continuing Learning Education conferences including:

Annual Richard C. Sughrue Symposium on Intellectual Property Law & Policy


Annual University of Akron Symposium on Intellectual Property Law & Policy


Advanced Copyright Law Annual Review 2012


Bar Admissions:

United States Supreme Court

State of Ohio, Registration No. 0062809

Northern District of Ohio

Western District of Pennsylvania

District of Colorado

Additional admission pro hac vice for individual matters in the Northern

District of Florida, Southern District of New York, and Northern and

Central Districts of Illinois.


Professional Registrations:

United States Patent and Trademark Office, Registration No. 36,538

Professional Engineer, State of Ohio, Registration No. E-54503 (inactive)

Certified Patent Valuation Analyst


Legal Experience:

Founder and Managing Administrator

Patent, Copyright & Trademark Law Group, LLC (1993 to 2008)

Principal of Intellectual Property Practice Group

McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman (2013)

Of Counsel, functioning as Intellectual Property Practice Group

Quinn, Buseck, Leemhuis, Toohey & Kroto, Inc. (2015 to present)

Founder and Managing Administrator

Law Offices of John D. Gugliotta, P.E., Esq. LPA (2008 to present)


Filed, prosecuted, and managed most aspects in US and International Patent

filings, and trademark and copyright. Successful prosecution of over 3000

patent applications in chemical, pharmaceutical, mechanical, medical,

electronic, and business system areas.


IP counseling including monitoring and guiding of research at the idea stage

to determine avenues of patentability, marketability, licensability, and

enforceability; referral of inventions to joint venturers, OEM production

facilities and independent contractors for production and sale.


Patent surveillance services, including working with clients in monitoring

infringement of patents; determining the validity and scope of third party

patents in order to provide “right of use” opinions; counseling on related legal

and business options, including licensing, cross licensing, procurement of IP

rights in bankruptcy arena, business formation and liability risk management.


Transactional services, including, drafting and negotiating IP license

agreements, as well as secrecy, joint development, consulting and

indemnification agreements.


Business formation services, including business plan development, market

research, marketing plan development, and seed financing and startup

funding procurement.


Representative arts:

Remote optical sensors and signal transmission (US6040897,

WO99/56093); Remote tire pressure sensing and alarm transmission

(US6011463); Remote alert apparatus (US5684455, US568924);

Electronically sanitized medical devices (US6053380), Industrial and

commercial automation equipment (US6070485, US5722526)

Electronic appliances and goods (e.g. US6102935, US61439663,

US6147418, US6165040, US5999105, US5619872, US5646954);

Instrumentation and controls systems (US6152059, US5950293,

US5979602, US5553454, US5657003, US5736651); Vehicle wheel

alignment using laser calibration (US5760938); Remote Internet(TM)

appliance control and intra-communication; Home automation remote

monitoring and control; Digital conversion of analog handwriting input;

Voice activate appliance control; Weather radar imaging and

interpretation alarm; Voice and data transmission, communication, and

switching; Solid state voice recording and playback; Fiber optic signal

transmission and intercommunication for distributive process control as

well as optic signal amplification (repeater) and attenuation correction;

Electrochemical storage device of high specific power Method of

cleaning the area of polluted non-homogenous ground; Ceramic

material based on bismuth niobate substituted with zinc, processes for

deposition of SiO based insulator coatings on silicon substrates for

optoelectrical device applications.


Testimony/Expert Witness Experience:

Provided expert testimony before the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations

Court in the matter Telerman v. Telerman, DR-05-307477 (2006) concerning

valuation of intellectual property assets in a technology start-up.

Provided expert testimony before the United States District Court, Northern

District of Ohio in the matter Design Basics LLC et al v. Touchstone Builders

LLC et al., Case No. 5:16-cv-0887-BYP concerning copyright issues of validity

and copyrightability.

Provided expert testimony before the United States District Court, Northern

District of Ohio in the matter Design Basics LLC et al v. Touchstone Builders

LLC et al., Case No. 5:16-cv-0887-BYP concerning copyright issues of validity

and copyrightability.

Provided expert testimony before the United States District Court, Central

District of Ohio in the matter Design Basics LLC et al v. Forrester Wehrle

Homes, Inc. et al, Case No. 3:15-CV-00666 concerning copyright issues of

validity and copyrightability.


Engineering Experience:

Prior to entering the legal field involved as Systems Engineering and Design

Engineering for Fortune 500 companies with responsibility for supervising

proposals, projects, installations and startups for instrumentation and

controls concerning food handling, beverage packaging, and pharmaceutical

production facilities, included distributive process control, PLC integration,

data acquisition, and fiber optic communication. Various engineering

positions included:


Process Engineer for The Dow Chemical Company, maintaining

operations for world class plastics and pharmaceutical production



Senior Systems Engineer for Elsag-Bailey NV (Bailey Controls)

designing, configuring, installing, and starting up automated computer

control equipment for various clients in the chemical, paper, and

co-generation industries.


Office of Corporate General Counsel for Morrison Knudsen Corporation,

a major A/E firm, advising senior management on a wide range of

technical, engineering, and legal matters.

You've worked hard to develop your product. Protect it. With us. Today.

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